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  • C319 is cutting http command in call previev
    I have configured the unlock button for the call preview screen. When I press the button then a reuest is sent to the web server but ir is truncated after the first "?"´. eg: http://IP/api/test?var=true is truncated to http://IP/api/tes ...
    [Software&Cloud] 1 20
  • C319 indoor monitor and "Unlock" Button on the screen
    Hello - it is possible to configure an unlock button on the screen pages of the C319. There you can choose which http comand it should trigger when pressed. I have configured 2 of this command - one with a sip number as entry 1 and one wi ...
    [Software&Cloud] 4 34
  • Firmware for S562W
    Hello - where can I find the newest firmware for the S562W. The KB states that the manual is based on firmware 562.30.10.115 but my device has only 562.30.10.88 installed from the factory
    [Software&Cloud] 4 53
  • Action URL for tamper alarm
    Hy - I have an R20BX2 with the latest firmware and there is no Action URL for the tamper alarm. In the manual https://knowledge.akuvox.com/v1/docs/en/security-11?highlight=Action%20URL under No. 11 the tamper alarm is listed. So what am ...
    [Software&Cloud] 6 49
  • Variables/Codes for the different HTTP URL's
    Hello - I have an R20BX2 and within the firmware there are certain places (e.g. Call Event, Card Event, Input A/B, Motion Detection, All the differnet Action URL's, Web Relay, etc.) to fire an HTTP command to another web endpoint. I will us ...
    [Software&Cloud] 6 72